Affordable prices for Small and Medium businesses (SMBs)
If you are worried about paying too much, then look no further because our solution is designed for SMB budget. However, there is no compromise made when it comes to product security, features and offerings. You can purchase licenses on monthly basis with no commitment. You can combine full user licenses with light user licenses.
A full user license is less than $100 per user per month; while light user license is less than $20 per user per month.
Mostly you may be able to keep your existing devices. Therefore, you are saving on hardware cost. However, if you are looking for upgrade, then we have wide range of cloud enabled, secure and modern devices ready to deliver a better customer experience.
There is a wide range of training and learning resources are available so that you can train yourself and manage your system as per your requirements. However, we recommend that you may hire us for an initial setup to ensure that basic configuration of the system is as per the guidelines. Depending on your requirements and budget, we have various on-boarding packages with support up to 15 hours are available starting from $5000.